Galleries of Flower Flow

Di Pandemic Covid-19, when the main galleries fall one by one, grow galleries in the corners of the village, even far away in rural removers. The galleries are generally built and managed by artists to accommodate the play of creativity that cannot be stopped by the virus though.

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Artists Tisna Sanjaya initiated the exhibition in Plastic and Textile Lumbung in the Cigondewah area, Bandung, West Java. The exhibition was managed by the owners of the barn, cigondewah residents, who had become downstream from the disposal of textile waste.

Tisna himself built a place called Imah Cigondewah Culture or Mrs. Cigondewah. & rdquo; used to, the land here was full of garbage. In 2007 I bought it covering an area of ​​530 square meters with eight paintings. Then stand the mother of Cigondewah until now, & rdquo; Tisna said on Wednesday (8/9/2021) morning.

The land is only partially owned by Ignatius Sunaryo, who is also a lover of artwork. Behind the building of the mother Cigondewah flowed a time, his name was Cigondewah.

Tisna, which grows in cigondewah, tells her childhood often playing and bathing at that time. & rdquo; this was so clean this time. Now the water is dirty. Waste textile factories flow here, & rdquo; Tisna said.


Ms. Cigondewah in the form of open ru-ang. The walls are used to display paintings. The exhibition of painting in Ms. Cigondewah for the first time spread to its surroundings, to the walls of the Majun barn owned by Daud Sampurno (47) which was next to the mother of Cigondewah. Majun in Sundanese means pieces of cloth or patchy.

The exhibition also spread to the plastic waste barn behind the mother of Cigondewah belonging to Atep Nuron Hidayat (25). Then another in Jaenudin's Majun barn next to Atep's plastic barn. Tisna introduced David Sampurno, Atep Nuron, and Jaenudin as the owner of the barn and owner of the new gallery.

This might be lightweight. However, Tisna tries to reflect reality, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many exhibition programs are an established art gallery loss. Residents including artists driven at home to minimize physical interaction with others.

& rdquo; I displayed 25 paintings in Mr. David's Majun barn. Glad to be exhibition here. I do not look at Mrs. Lu to exhibit anywhere, & rdquo; said Jamil Supriatna's artist at David's Majun Lumbung Sampurno.

in the mother of Cigondewah plus three barns were performed by the work of 27 artists with hundreds of paintings. This exhibition was the result of the collaboration of Ms. Cigondewah, Babakan Siliwangi's artist, as well as the research institute and the Indonesian Institute of Technology Institute and Abdian. The exhibition lasted two months, August 17 to October 17, 2021.

The paintings on display are sold. From sales, by 50 percent for artists, 50 percent again for cigondewah citizens affected by Pandemi Covid-19. Some are already sold, like the two paintings by artist Zufli Akmansyah sold Rp. 10 million. Rp 5 million from the proceeds the sale was then soupled for the distribution of basic commodities to citizens with pandemic affected.

Four small paintings by Jamil Supriatna sell Rp. 2 million. Two sketches of Deden Imanudin's work pen sold at a price of Rp. 1 million. A painting by Nenden Sr. Roedyat sold Rp. 350,000.

& rdquo; From the sale of Lang-Sung set aside 50 percent for the purchase of basic necessities, & rdquo; Tisna said, while showing hundreds of basic food packages that were sued in Ms. Cigondewah were ready to be channeled to residents.

Tisna showed off some of his paintings in Ms. Cigondewah or in the plastic barn owned by Jaenudin's Atep and Majun barn. Some of his body printing works and paintings with his wife's model on display in the plastic wastewater barn.

in Jaenudin's Majun barn, there are some Tisna paintings using plastic ore media. This is a series of paintings and rdquo; Neo Mooi Indie & Rdquo;, in the form of landscape paintings that feels so satire because it is composed of colorful plastic ore.

Tisna then pointed to the soil layer around Jaenudin's barn. The land was filled with plastic waste and colorful synthetic fabrics that were not easily decomposed.

Tisna is known as an artist who develops criticism, especially during the New Order. However, after the post-reformation after the New Order was also criticized because it contributed negatively by creating such a rush change. Post-reformed cigondewah changed dramatically with the emergence of many textile factories.

finally boils down to the many waste polluting the environment. The painting exhibition in Cigondewah is not just presents a form on the canvas. Fine on top of the land and water contaminated in the exhibition. The exhibition became a magnifying glass to see the problem with the more clear.

owned by artists

Alternative galleries made independently by artists also appear in the middle of the village, even to the countryside. One of them was the Gallery established by Artists Rudi St Darma at his home on Jalan Mutumaikam, Buah Batu, Bandung. He made a studio that worked as a gallery for other artists. However, he called it a home process, not a gallery.

& rdquo; this house artist for processing and growing together, & rdquo; said Uday, Rudi St Darma's nickname. Uday shows the work of several artists in the form of murals on the wall of the process of the process. Some time in this pandemic period had been held by the same activity which was given the artq headline.

letters & rdquo; q & rdquo; Refer to the Abbreviation of the word & rdquo; Quarantine & Rdquo; or quarantine in the Covid-19 pandemic period. Likewise in Yogyakarta. Two weeks ago Kompas had visited the Sangkring Gallery established since 2007 independently by Artist Putu Sutawijaya (50) with his wife, Jenni Vi Mee Yei. The gallery of Sangkring in Nitiprayan, Bantul, is showing off works from dozens of artists who are packaged as Yogya Annual Art (YAA) exhibition # 6.

took place from July 5 to the end of September 2021. & Rdquo; Gallery like this became part of the life life in Yogyakarta. Many other artists do the same thing, & rdquo; said Jenni, who then invited a visit to the Indiaart Gallery of Artist Nyoman Darya, not far from the Gallery of Sangkring.

Indiaart Gallery is only about 1 kilometer from the Sangkring Gallery. At that time the art exhibition was still held and seen many teenagers or art students who visited him.

Nyoman Darya tells the enthusiasm of artists in this pandemic period is very strong. In this Indieart gallery Jenni had illustrated the map of the residence of the artists who made studios as well as galleries.

he showed the location of the nest gallery owned by Jumaldi Alfi, inner space belonging to the artist Gusmen Heriadi. Similarly, Ugo Untoro artists who founded museums and clay, as well as galleries belonging to other artists. Not far from the Indianart gallery, just an artist Samuel Indratma.

& rdquo; Gallery established quite a lot by artists actually became a government's pen-ting asset, but so far it hasn't been understood yet. The gallery is not an artist's shop, but the event of an expression to advance shared civilization, & rdquo; said Samuel, who lately worked on audiovisual art for songs that were widely known as Panyuwunan.

