ITB Initiatives to Address Water and Education Crises in Komodo Islands

July 24-25, 2024 - In response to the pressing issues of water scarcity and limited educational resources in Pasir Panjang, a village in the Komodo Islands, a team of lecturers from the Visual Cultural Literacy Group of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), conducted an English communication and tourism promotion training. The team, funded entirely by ITB's Community Service Program, consisted of Dr. Dana Waskita, S.S., M.App.Ling., Dr. Acep Iwan Saidi, M. Hum., Untari Gunta Pertawi, M.Pd., and Evi Azizah Febriyanti, M. Hum.

Pasir Panjang, located at the eastern tip of Rinca Island, is home to around 1,800 residents from 500 households. Despite its status as a world-class tourist destination since 2019, the village struggles with fundamental issues like limited access to clean water and education. Most of the residents, primarily fishermen, have shifted to tourism-related jobs, particularly as naturalist guides, but their English communication skills remain inadequate.

Dana Waskita, the head of the lecturer team, emphasized the importance of enhancing communication skills, especially in English, as Komodo Island attracts a significant number of foreign tourists. The training included sessions on verbal and non-verbal communication, with a focus on body language and gestures, crucial for effective interaction with tourists. 

Interestingly, one of the trainers was Kuba Arsida, a senior guide from Pasir Panjang, who shared his insights on understanding the behavior of Komodo dragons, which, despite appearing tame, can pose a threat to humans. Kuba's involvement highlighted the need for guides to not only speak English but also interpret non-verbal cues, both human and animal.

July 27, 2024 - The challenges in Pasir Panjang extend beyond education and communication. The village faces a severe water crisis, with residents relying on brackish water from wells situated in the forest, often frequented by Komodo dragons. This situation poses a significant risk, as the dragons' bites are highly venomous.

Nurdin, the village head, expressed gratitude for ITB's involvement, marking the first time a prestigious institution had taken an interest in their plight. The ITB team, comprising members like Fatimah Arofiati Noor, Yani Suryani, Dana Waskita, Tri Sulistyaningtyas, Acep Iwan Saidi, Untari Gunta Pertawi, Evi Azizah Vebriyanti, Sira Kamila, and Yulia Mifftah Huljanah, plans to adopt Pasir Panjang as a partner village for ongoing development projects.

The team's initiatives include hands-on science literacy experiments for primary school students, aimed at fostering a love for learning and overcoming the limitations of the current education system, which relies heavily on government-issued textbooks. Muhammad Tayeb, the head of SDN 1 Pulau Rinca, noted the scarcity of educational resources and the lack of teaching aids, which hinder students' motivation and learning outcomes.

The ITB lecturers also provided personal branding training, helping participants leverage social media for self-promotion and enhancing their tourism services. This training, led by Evi Azizah Febriyanti, aimed to build confidence and improve the digital presence of local guides.

Kasmir, a former Komodo National Park guide who now dedicates himself to his village, highlighted the broader social issues. With most residents having only a junior high school education, opportunities are limited, leading many to become fishermen or guides with poor English proficiency. The efforts by ITB aim to break this cycle by providing the necessary skills and resources for better employment prospects and community development.

As part of their long-term commitment, ITB plans to collaborate with other faculties to address the water scarcity issue, ensuring sustainable access to clean water for Pasir Panjang residents. This comprehensive approach reflects ITB's dedication to not only enhancing tourism but also improving the overall quality of life in this unique yet challenged region.


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