ITB Sends a Team to the Mount Semeru Disaster Location

BANDUNG,, December 7, 2021, ITB sent a team to the Mount Semeru disaster site in Lumajang, East Java. This action is a form of ITB's response to the ongoing disaster on Mount Semeru.

Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, Dr. Irwan Meilano, said this activity includes two objectives, namely for research and also service to the community around Lumajang.

"In addition to conducting research, we will also serve the community around Lumajang," said Irwan, quoted from

The team of which consisted of Dr. Ir. Agustinus Bambang Setyadji, M.Sc., (principal researcher), Dr.Eng. Mirzam Abdurrachman, S.T., M.T. (principal researcher), Arif Susanto, S.T., M.T. (principal researcher), Dr. Idham Andri Kurniawan, S.T., M.T. (principal researcher) and Raihan Fajar Adiwijaya, S.T. (member).

In addition to carrying out several activities at the disaster site, the ITB team also handed over four units of a water purification system made by Prof. I Gede Wenten, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, ITB.

The research will be carried out at the disaster site, namely the team will look at the mechanism of the eruption of Mount Semeru on December 4 last. analyzing the spatio-temporal thermal distribution of satellite imagery, analyzing deformation from Global Navigation Satellite System data, and analyzing atmospheric dynamics.

In addition, the team will conduct a rapid mapping of the affected areas, create a site-based information system, and review disaster risk management.

Editor: Ali Hasan Asyari


