ITB Trains IKN Residents in Soybean Farming for Food Self-Sufficiency

A community service team from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has provided training for residents of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in Pemaluan Village and Bukit Raya Village, Sepaku District, Penajam Paser Utara Regency (PPU), East Kalimantan. The training focuses on soybean cultivation and processing, aiming to achieve household-level soybean self-sufficiency in the IKN area. The team from ITB's School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH), comprising Dr. Dadang Sumardi, Dr. Mia Rosmiati, Dr. Eri Mustari, Dr. Endang Hernawan, Ujang Dinar Husyari, SP., MP., Haydar Alfan Nur, Muhammad Fatih Rizieq, and Yokie Lidiantoro, was actively involved in this program.

This training, funded by ITB's Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) through the 2024 Bottom-Up Community Service Scheme, will run for eight months. It includes soybean cultivation, post-harvest management, and processing soybeans into products like tempeh, tofu, soy sauce, and tauco. Pemaluan Village was chosen for this training because, in 2023, a similar program had increased horticultural productivity through permaculture. Previously, residents were trained in producing organic fertilizers and natural pesticides.

With data from 2021 showing that 73.64% of Sepaku District’s population is categorized as underprivileged, this training is expected to improve community welfare by enhancing skills and creating business opportunities. Soybean planting is being carried out using urban farming methods with raised beds and polybags on residents' land. The organic planting medium consists of soil, goat manure, banana stems, and husks, enriched with soil-enhancing bacteria, fungi, and NPK fertilizer.

In addition to cultivation, residents were also trained in processing soybean products, such as tempeh, soy sauce, and tauco. According to Poniah, a landowner in Bukit Raya, this urban farming method is suitable for communities with limited land. The first soybean harvest is expected in October 2024, and the harvested soybeans will be used as seeds for local farmers.


Related News: ITB Latih Warga IKN Budidaya Kedelai untuk Kemandirian Pangan

