Ethical Technology Training for IKN Teachers by OIKN and ITB

The Directorate of Basic Services under the Deputy for Social, Cultural, and Community Empowerment of Nusantara Capital (IKN), in collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), organized a workshop titled "Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good: Upholding Ethics in the Use of Technology for Elementary School Teachers in IKN." The event was held at SMPN 2 Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), Sepaku District, East Kalimantan. The workshop was attended by approximately 60 elementary school teachers from 29 schools in Sepaku.

On May 14, 2024, Policy Analyst Panggih Raharjo explained that this program will not only be conducted in Sepaku but will also be expanded to other districts within the IKN delineation, such as Samboja Barat, Samboja, Muara Jawa, Loa Janan, and Loa Kulu in Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Regency. The goal is to prepare teachers to be proficient in the use of technology, especially AI, in education.

During the workshop, teachers were introduced to and practiced using AI platforms such as Chat GPT, Microsoft, and Gemini. Ade Engkus Kusnadi, Head of the ITB Community Service Team for IKN, emphasized the importance of ethics in the use of technology. He stated that the presence of technology must be balanced with ethical values to maximize its benefits and minimize negative impacts. He also mentioned that technology is merely a tool that requires the touch of human values in its use.

The workshop participants, including Ali Pohan from SDN 006 Sepaku and Rina Suradi from SDN 003 Sepaku, welcomed this activity. They found the training very beneficial in supporting school learning and increasing their awareness of the accuracy of information obtained from AI.

The Nusantara Capital Authority, through the Directorate of Basic Services under the Deputy for Social, Cultural, and Community Empowerment, and the ITB Community Service Team, reiterated the importance of AI in developing public facilities in IKN. The Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority, Bambang Susantono, mentioned that facilities such as smart poles that can communicate will be a tangible example of AI use in IKN.

Andi Singkerru, Head of the PPU Regency Education, Youth, and Sports Office, stated that technological advancement is inevitable. Therefore, teachers must keep up with technological developments to support their role in educating students.

With this training, it is hoped that teachers in the IKN region and surrounding areas will be better prepared to face technological challenges in education and be able to utilize AI technology wisely and ethically. This activity is expected to continue to other districts in the IKN delineation so that more teachers can benefit from it.

The entire series of activities is part of the efforts of the Nusantara Capital Authority and ITB to improve the quality of human resources, especially elementary school teachers in the IKN region. The training is expected not only to enhance the technical skills of teachers in using AI but also to raise their awareness of the importance of ethics in the use of technology in education.


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