ITB's Rapid Response for Earthquake Victim Children in Sumedang

Saturday, January 6, 2024, was an important day for the children in Cipameungpeuk, Sumedang, West Java, who were affected by an earthquake. A team from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) visited the location to provide psychological support, health check-ups, and art therapy activities. These efforts were a crucial part of post-disaster mitigation and biomedical support.

In an effort to alleviate the psychological impact of the earthquake, the ITB team offered consultations for the community, both in groups and individually. They focused on empathy and emotional support for survivors experiencing stress and psychological pressure following the disaster.

Meanwhile, the biomedical team, consisting of doctors and behavioral physiology experts, conducted a series of health check-ups. These activities included measuring blood pressure, psychiatric screenings, and cognitive assessments of children through geometric puzzle games while recording EEGs. The goal was to identify the stress levels experienced by the victims and determine appropriate medical interventions.

Art therapy activities, including making collages and drawing, were a highlight due to the high enthusiasm of the participating children. These activities successfully brought back their joy and laughter, as expressed by Mrs. Elis, the disaster coordinator in Cipameungpeuk. The event also received full support from the local government, represented by the Sub-district Head of South Sumedang and the Village Head of Cipameungpeuk.

The ITB service team consisted of academics and students from various faculties, in collaboration with Padjadjaran University, LAPI ITB, Rumah Amal Salman, and several other disaster organizations. This activity not only demonstrated academic concern but also served as an example of multidisciplinary collaboration in disaster management.

The activity team included Dr. Ira Adriati, M.Sn., Dr. Lulu Lusianti Fitri, Sri Wachyuni, M.Psi, Psychologist, ITB faculty members, supported by faculty members from the Faculty of Medicine at Padjadjaran University, psychologists, and students from ITB’s SITH, FSRD, and FTSL faculties, as well as students from FKU Unpad.

