Innovative Waste Management Solutions in Sayang Village, Jatinangor

The Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) through the School of Business and Management (SBM) and the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) in collaboration with Crapco Indonesia, initiated a household waste management program in Sayang Village, Jatinangor, Sumedang. This program aims to address the waste accumulation problem in the area, especially with the increasing number of residences and students.

This initiative began with education and training on waste separation involving 30 residents of Sayang Village. During the training, waste was separated into three categories: organic, inorganic, and hazardous and toxic materials (B3). Dr. Sri Hartati, Head of Community Service and SBM ITB Lecturer, emphasized the importance of the role of Posyandu cadres as agents of change in the community, who were given literacy and practical training on waste separation.

A waste sorting competition was also held to demonstrate the concept of waste sorting points that can be exchanged for groceries through the Crapco application. Muhammad Hafizh, Founder of Crapco Indonesia, explained that this application provides economic incentives for residents who sort their waste, with points that can be exchanged for daily necessities. Organic waste can be processed into maggot feed, while inorganic waste is recycled into products such as crafts or bricks.

In addition to education, this program optimizes the waste facilities in Sayang Village that were previously underutilized. Dr. Sri hopes for continuous support from the village and sub-district governments for the success of this program. The Jatinangor Sub-district Head, Sayang Village Head, and the Head of the Environmental and Forestry Service of Sumedang Regency also attended and supported this initiative.

From June to October 2024, the SBM ITB lecturer team will continue to assist and evaluate the PKK and Posyandu cadres in managing household waste, with the target of forming a community that is independent in waste management. The sustainability and support from various parties are expected to positively impact the environment in Sayang Village.

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