Residents Of Kampung Ilmu With Psychologists

This time, psychologists from the University of Indonesia visited Kampung Ilmu, located in Cisarua Village, Tegalwaru, Purwakarta. Several senior professors and lecturers from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Indonesia came to conduct an initial social mapping through dialogues with local residents. On November 25, 2024, young lecturers and students from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) also joined, having previously been actively involved in various activities in Kampung Ilmu.  

Under the guidance of Prof. I Gede Wenten, a renowned expert in membrane technology, the young lecturers and students brought a water filtration device developed by Prof. Wenten. This device filters rainwater collected in large tanks as well as clean water flowing from Mount Anaga, making it instantly drinkable. Thanks to this device, students at SMKN Tegalwaru will soon be able to drink their own processed water without needing to buy bottled water. "Just like plants," he said, "for a body to grow and develop well, children need to drink plenty of water."  

In addition to the water technology team, students from the Visual Communication Design (DKV) program also participated, assisting in branding efforts. They created various logos for agricultural products developed by the residents of Kampung Ilmu.  

As for the psychologists, the lecturers from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Indonesia are exploring the possibility of implementing a research-based social service program in Kampung Ilmu. To support this, they engaged in discussions with several community leaders, including midwives, teachers, social activists, public health center doctors, and other prominent figures. These dialogues provided insight into various everyday challenges faced by the community.  

Universities are naturally interconnected with communities beyond their campuses. In addition to attending seminars, conducting research, and teaching, academics also have the responsibility to influence government policies. However, direct involvement in communities to create tangible social and environmental impacts is also a critical part of a university's mission.  

We will see what happens next. Will the expected "social impacts" materialize from the presence of these psychologists? Hopefully!  





