Knowledge of astronomy & nbsp; Has a long history in Indonesia. Long before science is known in Indonesia, astronomy already has an important role throughout the archipelago. Indonesian people have knowledge of space objects, and also calendar systems used for agriculture, navigation, and religious ceremonies.

Astronomy who later developed in Indonesia is a development of modern science originating from Europe. The establishment of the Bosscha Observatory by K.A.R. Bosscha and Dr. J. Voute in Lembang, Kab. Bandung became one of the milestones of modern astronomy in Indonesia until now. & Nbsp;

How does the Indonesian society today understand astronomical science? Is the understanding of cultural and local wisdom related to astronomy still understood in the daily life of the community? Then how do the efforts of astronomy education to educational activists through a cultural approach and local wisdom?

LPPM ITB collaborates with the Lab Ethnography Design. FSRD ITB manages a speech title titled Karsa Loka Vol. 009. With the theme & ldquo; Astronomy education to educational activists through a cultural approach and local wisdom & rdquo;, by inviting narasumber Hansel Judge L. Mastice, M.Sc. (Astronomy Lecturer, FMIPA ITB). This event will be moderated by Meirina Triharini, Ph.D. (Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB)

Day / Date: JUM & # 39; AT / 16 July 2021
Time: 15.30 - 17.00 WIB
Place: zoom / youtube lppm itb


YouTube Link:

Narahung: 082120004613 (WA)

Download: virtual background

material: & nbsp; Astronomy education to educational activists through a cultural approach and local wisdom

#Webinaritb #Kigital #Digital #Digital #Pmitb #LPPMITB

Dr. Hakim Luthfi Malasan, M.Sc. • Dosen Astronomi FMIPA ITB




10 July 2021