Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito
Mount Rinjani is volcano located on Lombok Island which is also tectonically active. We estimate the depth of the Moho discontinuity beneath Rinjani Volcano and surrounding areas using receiver function analysis. Seismic stations were used in this study that recordings since 1 August 2018 to 9 September 2018 range of 30° - 90° and 6 – 9 Mw. We used the iterative time deconvolution method to identify the arrival times of the P wave phases, Ps and their multiple phases in the windowing range of -5 seconds before Tp and 25 seconds after Tp. Then, H-K Stacking technique was used to estimate the depth of the Moho profile and the Vp/Vs ratio. The depth of the Moho discontinuity layer and the Vp/Vs ratio values beneath the four seismic stations show that the average Moho depth ranges from 30 – 37,4 km and the Vp / Vs ratio is 1.70 - 1.764.
Penentuan struktur lapisan moho di Gn. Rinjani
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