Bunga Rampai Dialog Desain: Sebuah Diskusi Isu Sosial, Politik & Budaya Dari Praktik Desain
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Arianti Ayu Puspita

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Dialog Desain is a discussion forum that is held regularly by inviting various scientists and practitioners from various disciplines in the scope of design issues since 2019. This forum aims to encourage the development of discourse on design studies in Indonesia with a focus on discussing issues and aspects of political, social, and environmental issues. culture of design practice. Dialog Desain was initiated by the Design Ethnography Laboratory in the Product Design Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design.Currently, the forum continues until it reaches its 12th edition, by raising various current design issues and phenomena in Indonesia. Through the presentation of material from the speakers, Dialog Desain became a forum for participants from various sources, both students, academics and professionals from across educational institutions to discuss so that they could build a tradition to exchange knowledge and build the potential to collaborate in the form of design research activities.Various topics from the discussions in Dialog Desain Vol 001 to Vol 010 can be elaborated into a main theme and referred to as an Book Anthology of Dialog Desain: A Discussion of Social, Political and Cultural Issues in Design Practice.


Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Proyek ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap dunia pendidikan desain, yaitu kepada para akademisi di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB dan juga akademisi seni Rupa dan desain di luar ITB.