Cakrawala: Dialog Seni, Sains Dan Teknologi (Publikasi Asosiasi Seniman-Penulis Seni Rupa, Kota Bandung)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Rizki Akhmad Zaelani Harry

Ringkasan Kegiatan

.Contemporary art practices develop in the age of today science and technology advancement. The art making and its result traditionally is connected with science and technology. Tools, materials, and techniques for art creation process is invented by the ways of How human kind utilize any scientific and technological discoveries. The discoveries and creations by science and technology in the general senses is a kind of arts, products of human high skill and understanding on the material world and the experience of living. The modern field of knowledge that is known as different and special field of expertise on art, science, and technology is a historical product of the modern era. The birth of modern science since the 17th century until today contemporary technological advancement are the products of modern and post-modern man endeavors. Men and women as the modern subject are the key element of a relation of art, science and technology connection. Today cultural and societal impacts by art, scientific, and technological creation are the surface and appearance of material connections processes urge by the individuals through an advance scientific and technological methods and means. Could we understand the influence of scientific and technological progress on art today by rediscovering the platform understanding of all today’s discoveries? Art, science and technology should be seen, again, in the same corridor.



Testimoni Masyarakat

.Penyusunan buku mengenai percakapan dengan para sainstis dan teknolog dalam rangka perluasan jangkauan pembicaraan serta diskusi di bidang penciptaan karya seni rupa ditetapkan menjadi tiga pilihan kerangka dasar persoalan. Ketiga hal ini berkaitan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan wilayah pengalaman aktual maupun pengalaman yang mengandung wawasan visual yang umumnya telah dikenali dan dihaati oleh para seniman. Penciptaan karya-karya seni rupa umum dipengaruhi oleh kerangka berfikir filosofis dalam cara mengenali dan menafsirkan realitas dan pengalaman hidup. Wawasan semacam ini dinyatakan dalam cara pembagian ‘realitas pengalaman’ dalam kerangka penghayatan tentang (i) Semesta, Alam Raya, atau wilayah Makrokosmos; (ii) dunia pengalaman keseharian, realitas yang terinderai secara langsung dan fisikal, ‘alam pengalaman’, Mesokosmos, Dunia tengah; dan (iii) jagad batin, dunia dalam, pemikiran, alam rasa, dunia Mikrokosmos.