Agus Syihabudin
This research is motivated by the fact that in Cirebon West Java, which is the largest rattan craftsman area in Indonesia, it was found that in the development of rattan craft products that will be exported to several countries, there are many unresolved obstacles. The obstacles include the supply chain or the availability of raw materials, capital for small and medium industry (IKM) stakeholders, and the lack of human resources management (HRM) as a form of regeneration of rattan craft craftsmen. This study used a qualitative approach where data were collected by observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study are the problems faced by rattan handicraft producers are 1) lack of availability of raw materials caused by long shipping distances such as from Sulawesi and Kalimantan to Cirebon, 2) lack of capital that can be absorbed by small entrepreneurs to continue to be able to run this rattan craft business because of the lack of attention given to small entrepreneurs from both the Government of Cirebon 3) the lack of human resource management for rattan handicraft producers due to the lack of interest from the younger generation and the lack of a training platform for the younger generation to continue this rattan craft relay from time to time.