Inovasi Buku Ajar Metodologi Desain  Sebagai Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam Proses desain dalam pemecahan dan implementasi desain
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Etika Vidyarini

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Design Methodology is a study that provides insights and understanding of various theoretical foundations of design and methodological approaches to achieve design objectives. This knowledge developing creative and innovative design concepts to address contemporary issues. In this context, systematic and creative thinking models for solving design problems, as well as appropriate approaches for specific design cases, are highly relevant.

During the learning process of the Design Methodology course, the teaching team has collected and studied various literature on research methods, aiming to provide comprehensive and easily understood knowledge, particularly for students as future academics and professionals. However, the team has yet to find a textbook specifically focused on research methods in the field of Interior Design that also incorporates current research trends, making it relevant for future generations. Based on this need, the teaching team proposes the development of a Design Methodology textbook.


Buku, Jurnal Sinta

Testimoni Masyarakat

Membantu desainer memahami dan mengikuti metodologi desain secara menyeluruh, baik mahasiswa maupuin desainer profesional dapat menghasilkan solusi yang lebih efektif dan bermakna dalam konteks berbagai proyek desain.