Optimalisasi Peran Apoteker Di Masa Pandemik Covid-19 Dalam Upaya Mendukung Revolusi Industri 4.0: Digitalisasi Konseling Obat Pasien
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Cindra Tri Yuniar

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Telepharmacy is one of the alternatives for pharmaceutical services within the pharmacist's responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic, including another party while separated by distance. Due to the convenience, flexibility, and advantages of telepharmacy implementation, these services have many potentials to unravel various pharmaceutical care problems related to space and isolation, especially during this pandemic era. This study aims to determine the perspective of Indonesian legal pharmacists on telepharmacy services. We used the online questionnaire that covered the perspective benefit, features, and method for services. The questionnaire was distributed from May-June 2021. This study involved 72 legal pharmacists in Indonesia. The findings indicate that among ten benefits obtained from telepharmacy services, the most important benefit for pharmacists is how telepharmacy guide the OTC drugs selection process (mean score 4.51±0.08). The most crucial feature of telepharmacy services is a drug information service, primarily to provide patient information related to drug usage in 15 to 30 minutes of counselling per patient. About 39.3% of pharmacists agree to use chat/message to provide drug consultation, and almost all pharmacist prefers providing services in 24 hours (70.8%). In conclusion, pharmacists' priority regarding the benefits and features of telepharmacy is closely related to providing better pharmaceutical care for the patient.



Testimoni Masyarakat

Memberikan gambaran pada apoteker Indonesia tentang kemajuan teknologi dan peran apoteker dalam era digital, khususnya pada pelayanan kefarmasian. Selain itu, kegiatan ini membekali apoteker untuk siap menghadapi revolusi industri 5.0.