Raden Aswin Rahadi
The Sumedang Regency, known for its potential in tourism, MSMEs, and local products, faces challenges in community economic development. To address these challenges, a community service program titled Training on Financial Literacy, Digital Bookkeeping, and Social Media Promotion in Sumedang, West Java was designed. The program specifically targets communities in Cimanggung, aiming to enhance welfare through community empowerment. By providing training on financial literacy, digital bookkeeping, and social media promotion strategies, this initiative seeks to foster a more self-reliant and digitally competitive community.
The approach is grounded in the principles of Community-Based Development (CBD), ensuring active community participation at every stage, from planning to implementation. The program uses on-site training and module development methods, focusing on three key aspects: financial literacy, digital bookkeeping, and social media promotion.
The training is expected to yield significant impacts, including increased financial literacy, improved income levels, and the empowerment of schools and local MSMEs to compete in the digital economy. The outcomes of this program include the development of human resources, strengthened MSMEs, improved local economic conditions, school community empowerment, and digital transformation.
Key outputs include one online publication, one intellectual property right (in progress), and a cataloged module for broader dissemination. This initiative demonstrates a sustainable and inclusive approach to addressing local economic challenges and leveraging digital potential.
Meningkatkan literasi keuangan masyarakat untuk pengelolaan keuangan pribadi dan usaha. Mengajarkan pembuatan pembukuan digital sederhana menggunakan aplikasi yang mudah diakses. Membekali masyarakat dengan keterampilan memanfaatkan media sosial untuk promosi produk/jasa secara kreatif.
Meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia dalam pengelolaan keuangan dan promosi digital. Meningkatkan daya saing UMKM Sumedang di era ekonomi digital. Mendorong kemandirian komunitas sekolah sebagai agen perubahan dalam komunitas.