Kridanto Surendro
One of the most favorite strategies for entrepreneur is social media. Some researchers showed that today is the best time for SME to optimize their marketing through social media. The number of internet users in Indonesia has reached 61 million and most of them use the internet for social networking stuffs. For entrepreneur, social media optimization becomes important, due to the business starters who need to see the opportunities, selecting market, and making strategies to use the most suitable media for their customers. However, one of seven deadly mistakes of social media marketing is to be sure that some social media tools have the power to attract buyers. In fact, the using of social media still needs the right and suitable strategy to support business. Therefore, social media needs to be responded by smart entrepreneur with appropriate strategy that fits their innovativeness. Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content. Web 2.0 is a new phase of web development, form as a set of economic, social, and technology indication that simultaneously form the base for the next internet generation, further, formed as certain media that have characteristics based on user participation, openness, and network. In other words, Web 2.0 is the new generation of internet that enable users to communicate, participate, share, interact, collaborate one to another. There are 3 main elements that build social media, namely content, communities and networks, and Web 2.0. According to a research that implemented to 1356 social media marketers, there are the benefits of social media marketing in high to low percentage order: 1. Generate business exposure 2. Increase traffic/subscribers/opt-in-list 3. Result new business partnerships 4. Help rising in the search ranking 5. Generate qualified leads 6. Help to sell products and service 7. Reduce overall marketing expenses Following is a quick look into five specific examples of how social media will result a comprehensive strategy, reducing the fault in implementation, and enabling company to use the features in the technology aligns with their needs. 1. Listening 2. Customer-driven design 2 III. 3. Crowdsourcing 4. Knowledge Exchange 5. Gaming: Incentive for sharing Influencing Factors of Social Media Adoption SME has strategy that is focused in concerning the building of company and its operation, human resource, and finance. However, a stable and continuous development is also important for the company. Growth of company can be sustained by strategic and effective marketing to the customers. SME, that want to adopt social media, or has a will to add social media platform, firstly must take a closer look to these aspects below. 1) Technological Aspect a. The 5 innovation characteristics or attributes related to social media. b. Availability of technology that is currently used in the company. c. Understanding the features in social media, especially for the platform candidate. 2) Organizational Aspect a. One of the elements of adoption is the social system, which refers to every people in the company. Therefore, human resource becomes an important aspect in adoption, related to availability and user involvement that must be aligned with existing aspect in the company. b. Work procedure Social media which has come together with the company might cause addition, reduce, or other change to the current work procedure. These adaptions are needed to be identified to guarantee the user involvement and to monitor the daily activities. c. Innovativeness of decision making unit and user One of the factors that affects time needed to adopt and difficulty level of technology penetration is the rate of innovation (innovativeness) of the adopters. These innovativeness categories use the 5 adopter categories in Rogers’ adoption curve. d. Business sector Food industry and clothing industry may have a big different in needs and processes. Therefore, business sector also affects the suitable social media platform and how to use it. e. Communication process It could be the communication channel or steps required for decision making among people in the company. 3) Environmental Aspect a. Competitive pressure, condition that caused by other entities, such as substitution, competitor, bank, and other entities. b. Market scope, customer community limit which are hoped to use company’s products.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
- social media marketing is to be sure that some social media tools have the power to attract buyers - a. Sulit mengajak anggota koperasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini, hanya beberapa anggota yang secara aktif (bergantian) berpartisipasi. b. Kegiatan produksi yang dilakukan push yaitu anggota membuat produk dalam jumlah tertentu dan menjual ke toko/distributor, sehingga penggunaan sosial media yang bersifat retail kurang sesuai dengan gaya produksi anggota. c. Terkadang barang yang didisplay dalam sosial media tidak ada persediaannya.