Taufan Marhaendrajana
Conductivity and pH measurement holds equal significance in the realm of EOR, serving as a key indicator of fluid composition and the presence of dissolved ions that affect reservoir characteristics. In EOR processes involving water flooding or the injection of chemical agents, conductivity measurements provide insights into the concentration and distribution of electrolytes within the reservoir. This data helps operators assess fluid movement, reservoir sweep efficiency, and the potential for reservoir rock alteration. By continuously monitoring conductivity and pH of the solution, operators can optimize injection strategies, adjust chemical formulations, and detect any deviations from expected performance, thereby improving the overall effectiveness and economic viability of enhanced oil recovery operations. In essence, the precise measurement of pH and conductivity during EOR processes empowers operators with invaluable insights for optimizing production and maximizing the recovery of valuable hydrocarbon reserves.
Pengadaan peralatan laboratorium untuk alat pH dan Conductivity Meter
Alat ukur pH dan conducitvity ini akah di tempatkan di Laboratorium EOR, Teknik Perminyakan ITB. Alat ukur pH dan conductivity ini bisa digunakan secara bersama untuk kegiatan penelitian dan layanan di lingkungan Teknik Perminyakan ITB.