Pengembangan Geowisata Daerah Bunikasih, Pangalengan
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Idham Andri Kurniawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Development of Geo-tourismsite in Bunikasih-Pangalengan: Environmental conservation from ASGM activitiesBunikasih village is located south of Bandungcity, the capital of West Java province, which has Artisanal Small Gold Miningactivities (ASGM). In addition, this village which is included in thePangalengan district, has many tourist attractions that have geological andcultural values. This study aims to develop the potential for geo-turism aroundBunikasih village and more widely in Pangalengan district, using a literaturestudy and field observation approach. The candidate unique geosites inBunikasih village are Cibaliung river and Congeang waterfall, besidesPanglengan district itself which is a former ancient volcano. This geo-turismactivity is expected to replace the livelihoods of ASGM activities and environmentalconservation in Bunikasih village and its surroundings.



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