Pengembangan Produk Paket Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kampung Wisata Cisangkal, Desa Bangunkarya, Kabupaten Pangandaran
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The involvement of local communities intourism development through a community-based tourism approach, both as themain actors and as beneficiaries, is very important in encouraging sustainabletourism development. Bangunkarya Village, Langkaplancar District, is one of thevillages in Pangandaran Regency which is currently starting tourismdevelopment, especially in the Kampung Wisata Cisangkal, Mekarmulya Sub-Village.Tourist visits to Kampung Wisata Cisangkal Tourism Village are currentlycentered on the main tourist attraction of the Cisangkal Tree House (gazeboo ona tree) and have not been packaged into a tour package that offers varioustourist attractions and supporting facilities into a single product. Thedevelopment of tour packages can encourage equal distribution of tourist visitsto various nature and culture-based tourist attractions and supportingfacilities in the village and also to encourage the community to maintain localculture and the surrounding environment, including physical building assetsthat have been built by the village government for tourism purposes and canimprove the community's Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in creativeindustry (crafts & traditional culinary) as the main asset of tourism.  In order to package a variety of potentialcommunity-based tourist attractions in the Kampung Wisata Cisangkal and toencourage an increase in the number of distribution (equity) and the durationof tourist visits, the Community-Based Tourism Tour Package Product Developmentactivity was carried out in Kampung Wisata Cisangkal, Bangunkarya Village,Pangandaran Regency. This activity was carried out using descriptive researchmethods and mix-methods approaches through the following stages: (1)identification of tourist visiting activities and characteristics of existingtourists in Kampung Wisata Cisangkal; (2) identification of tourism packagecomponents; and (3) preparation of a tour itinerary (tour itinerary).The results showed that: (1) tourist visits to Cisangkal Tourism Village focusedon visiting the Cisangkal Tree House and enjoying Nasi Liwet and CisangkalDurian Culinary (when it was in harvest season) with the majority of thecharacteristics of family tourists coming from around Pangandaran Regency withthe duration of the visit on average about 2-4 hours; (2) Cisangkal TourismVillage has a variety of potential natural and cultural-based touristattractions that can be packaged into Community-Based Tourism Tour Packageswith ready-to-visit tourist attractions including Cisangkal Forest, Kawana AgroFarmers Group (vegetables and secondary agricultural areas, sheep and cowfarms), the Cullinary or Snack based SMEs of the Sale Pisang (Dried Banana Fritters),the Traditional Arts Ketuk Tilu and Ebeg (traditional arts of Sundanese andJavanese); (3) based on the potential of a ready to visit tourist attractions,3 types of community-based tourism tour packages have been prepared, namely theCisangkal Legendary Durian Forest Tour (half day tour - maximum tour duration 6hours), Kawana Agro-Creative Cisangkal Tour (full day tour - maximum tourduration 10 hours), and Edu-Creative Cisangkal Cultural Arts Tour (overnighttour – tour duration 2 days, 1 night).



Testimoni Masyarakat

Kegiatan riset ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat pada peningkatan kapasutas masyarakat, khususnya Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Kampung Wisata Cisagkal dalam mengemas beragam potensi daya tarik wisata berbasis masyarakat menjadi suatu produk paket wisata. Hasil penyusunan paket wisata berbasis masyarakat di Kampung Wisata Cisangkal ini diharapkan juga dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi agen/biro perjalanan wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Pangandaran untuk mengemas paket wisata ke Kampung Wisata Cisangkal dan dapat menjalin kemitraan dengan Pokdarwis Kampung Wisata Cisangkal dalam pengembangan, pemasaran, penjualan, dan pelaksanaan paket wisata berbasis masyarakat di Kampung Wisata Cisangkal.