Nina Siti Aminah
During a tsunami, the choice of evacuation route is vital for safety. Dijkstra's algorithm is used to plan the shortest route for evacuation. The optimal shortest route is obtained from various nodes to the evacuation zone by identifying the distance, determining the speed and density of pedestrians, and shelter availability. To identify the shortest route to the evacuation zone by determining the speed and density of pedestrians, and shelter availability in Batu Karas, Indonesia. This study can be used to determine tsunami evacuation route for tsunami risk area in Indonesia. The farthest distance from a node to the evacuation zone is 1850 m. It takes 34 minutes to evacuate, with an estimated arrival time of tsunami 20 minutes. Based on these results, it is necessary to have an additional evacuation zone to minimize the distance to the evacuation zone. The method used is Dijkstra Algorithm, python as programming languange, and data retrieval conducted in Batu Karas.