Peningkatan Motivasi Pengajaran Melalui Kegiatan Berkesenian Online Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Dan Menengah Dalam Menghadapi Masa Pandemi Covid 19
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Prima Roza

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for almost two years. The impact is extensive, involving various aspects, health, economy, social, and education. Regarding providing education, the COVID-19 pandemic requires learning to be conducted online. Online learning to some extent, has brought negative impacts to the learning process, including teachers’ high saturation in teaching. The high saturation will result in demotivated teachers. As the result of our Community Program, this article will address the problem of how to encourage teachers in Elementary and Secondary Schools to further increase their motivation, creativity, and innovation in teaching through the implementation of online art activities. This research is based on a case study conducted on the elementary and middle school teachers in Bandung. The results show that the enactment of various online art activities during and between the learning process by the teachers have increased their motivation in teaching


Jurnal Nasional

Testimoni Masyarakat

Proyek PPM ini memberikan manfaat kepada KK Ilmu-Ilmu kemanusiaan untuk menegaskan eksistensinya yang berfokus pada aktivitas kemanusiaan.