Bhekti Pratiwi
Health awareness, one of which is the use of drugs, is increasing in the community. Adequate information is needed to provide safe and effective treatment, such as material on obtaining, using, storing, and disposing of (DaGuSiBu) drugs. Community service aims to improve the role of health cadres and community knowledge in drug management. Activities were done in Botumoito District with an educational approach to cadres through material presentation and group discussions using comic media and interactive cards in one meeting. Community campaigns by cadres using flyers within one week after cadres receive education. As many as 85.29% (n = 35) of health cadres experienced increased knowledge, although the knowledge category was still low. As many as 97.88% (n = 189) of the community experienced increased knowledge, and the knowledge category was dominated by moderate. The practice of DaGuSiBu can be seen from 63.64% of cadres reading drug contraindication information and 35.45% of the community reading side effect information when they are going to use drugs. Community service activities increase the knowledge of cadres and the community in rational drug use so that cadres can become potential in continuing education for public health.
Keywords: DAGUSIBU, medicine, cadres, community
1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat di daerah 3T Kab. Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo tentang penggunaan obat rasional melalui program Dapatkan, Gunakan, Simpan, dan Buang (DAGUSIBU) obat dengan media komik
Manfaat bagi KK dan fakultas adalah terjalin kerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi dan fasilitas kesehatan di daerah. Hal ini menjadi peluang dalam mengembangkan penelitian terkait dengan farmasi pedesaan dan daerah terpencil. Masukan selama proses kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat menjadi bahan untuk mendalami proses pelayanan kefarmasian di daerah pedesaan dan terpencil. Fokus penelitian di daerah pedesaan akan memberi manfaat bagi Indonesia berupa analisis lapangan dalam merumuskan kebijakan dengan tujuan akhir pemerataan kesehatan.