PM Pemulihan Ekonomi 2021 - Perancangan Sistem Bigdata Dan Identitas Usaha Untuk Pengembangan Usaha UMKM Retail Produk Pertanian Dan Perkebunan Ladang Kita.Id
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Alvanov Zpalanzani

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Quoted from Badan Pusat Statistiksurvey in December 2020, the combined consumption of fruits and vegetables inIndonesia is 209.89 grams per capita a day. The stated amount is below theminimum amount of fruit consumption recommended by World Health Organization,which is 400 grams of fruit and or vegetables per day. In the context of theCOVID-19 pandemic, the government has implemented a policy regarding SocialRestrictions and many people have chosen to limit their mobility by increasingtheir numbers to stay in their respective homes. Therefore, this is a greatopportunity to create a business that offers the fruits and vegetables neededdirectly to the community. In December 2020, an SME LADANGKITA.ID focused infresh fruit selling towards the customers through peddling system, isestablished. Unfortunately, the company has to close its operational in June2021 and the owners split up. One of the owner intend to start anew the companyin his hometown, Tasikmalaya city, West Java. Therefore, this community serviceactivity is intended to give a hand towards the company based on pastexperience as benchmarking. Based on VRIO analysis and Porter 5 forces, theauthors found that the fresh fruit peddling system is a red ocean business. Itis necessary to recreate the value of the products in order to shift to blueocean business and decided to change the product into processed fruits such asfrozen sliced fruits, rujak, and smoothies to aim for business to business aswell as business to consumer interaction with online and offline marketplaceoptimization. The change of product value is followed with business identityand marketing strategy.


Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

.a. Menjadi Model Data Mining untuk UMKM b. Studi Kasus kelas MBA SBM ITB