Prototipe Desain Partisipatif  untuk Fasilitas Komunitas Belajar  Dampak Perubahan Iklim di Kota Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Allis Nurdini

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This PPMI ITB program is part of community service by conducting action research in term of climate change adaptation –design and build- : Prototype of Bale Wudu. Bale Wudu is a facility of collective learning about water recycle, both rainwater and/or surface water around the rivers of Bandung City, can be processed into quality water for ablution/worship as well as demonstrating buildings modular that made from natural materials (such as bamboo). The local community, in this case local craftsmen and undergraduate-master graduate students, were involved in participatory design and build, to learn directly the techniques for building design and construction using bamboo and also incorporating simple installation of purification of rainwater into clean quality water for ablutions. The prototype, which is currently being built on the remaining land of the ITB at Lebak Siliwangi parking pool, is expected to become a shared living laboratory for related communities, including craftsmen, students and local residents.

Keywords: participatory design, renewable material, rainwater recycle, climate change


Membuat desain prototipe modular bale wudu. Menyusun kerjasama kegiatan dalam rangka perbaikan permukiman perkotaan melalui Forum P2KP Kota Bandung

Testimoni Masyarakat

Mata Kuliah AR3155 Topik Khusus