Reformulasi Tema Pengembangan Kawasan sebagai Dampak Covid-19. Studi Kasus PPK Gedebage Kota Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Ridwan Sutriadi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This proposal was written after several proposers participated in a series of discussions on policies in the City of Bandung, starting from the City of Bandung participating in the 2021 Regional Development Planning Award Selection, to the process of preparing and revising the Medium-Term Development Plan for the City of Bandung. The latest development occurred two weeks ago when the Bandung City Government tried to consistently adapt the theme of national development (economic recovery and structural reforms) to the city level, especially as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic by taking a pilot project in an area that could not achieve the target according to the regional development planning, namely the development theme for KDP Gedebage. The method uses regional development trends during the pandemic with Microsoft academics, supported by the sharing cities method from smart sustainable cities, as well as the ABC prioritizing method and the collaborative economy honeycomb.In responding to the pandemic period that caused a decline in economic growth in Indonesia, which has just completed the 2020-2024 RPJMN, followed by the 2021 annual work plan (RKP) to move quickly to revise national policies in order to implement the 2021 national development theme, namely economic recovery and structural reforms. More specifically, the following is an excerpt from Presidential Regulation No. 122 of 2020 updating the Government Work Plan (RKP) 2021 (Government Regulation No. 17 of 2017 concerning Synchronization of the National Development Planning and Budgeting Process). That in order to support the realization of a national economy based on economic democracy with the principles of togetherness, efficiency, justice, sustainability, environmental insight, independence, and by maintaining a balance of progress and national economic unity, the 2021 State Budget for Revenue and Expenditure has been prepared as contained in the Law. No. 9 of 2020 concerning the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2021 Fiscal Year. Related to synchronization with the theme of economic recovery and structural reform, more specifically Presidential Regulation no. 122 of 2020 is not only paying attention to the Covid-19 pandemic but also to environmental management. The spread of Covid-19 is estimated to cause a change in the target of reducing GHG emissions and 26.29 percent to the range of 25.36-25.93 percent in 2020. On the one hand, the spread of Covid-19 has a significant impact on socio-economic activities, marked by a decrease in utilization. capacity in the industrial and service sectors, as well as other sectors related to land. The decline in economic activity is estimated to have a positive impact on reducing GHG emission levels. With these changes in economic activity as well as changes in low carbon development policies, the projected total GHG emissions will decrease from 1,414,435 tons of Co2 to 1,355,349-1,329,393 tons of CO2 in 2O2O. In addition, this change also causes the projected baseline GHG emission in 2O2O to decrease, from 1,918,819 tons of CO2 to 1,829,783 tons 3of CO2. On the other hand, Covid-19 has negative implications for the size of the budget for the implementation of mitigation actions and low-carbon development programs and activities. Low-carbon development actions such as reforestation, avoiding deforestation, capacity building for New and Renewable Energy (EBT) and energy efficiency in 2020 are not expected to run optimally. This condition will have a negative impact on efforts to reduce GHG emissions in 2020 with a magnitude slightly larger than the reduction in GHG emissions due to a decrease in socio-economic activities because of the spread of Covid-19. This causes the estimated GHG emission reduction in 2020 to be slightly below the initial target. The impact of not implementing carbon development actions in 2020 is expected to be felt in the following years. This happens because not all low-level development actions have direct implications for reducing emissions in 2020. There are actions that only have an impact on reducing emissions after a few years, such as peat restoration and reforestation.



Testimoni Masyarakat

Program kegiatan ini melibatkan satu orang mahasiswa S1 Muhammad Alif Alwinutama (15418062). Hasil kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan kapasitas masyarakat dalam pemilihan dari tema pengembangan kawasan yang proporsional dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat terutama sebagai dampak pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Bandung yang dapat sekaligus meningkatkan pemulihan ekonomi dan meningkatkan daya saing Kota Bandung.