Spasial Forecasting Earthquake di Sumatera
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Wahyu Triyoso

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This study uses complete earthquake catalog data and spatio-temporal analysis to construct a reliable model to forecast the potential seismogenic earthquake or earthquake fault zones. It integrates models developed based on different researchers' methods and earthquake catalogs from different periods. It constructs and compares models - Model-1, Model-2, and Model-3 - from the complete shallow earthquake catalog between 1963-1999 and 1963-2006. The δAIC is used to evaluate the reliability of the models, with Model-3 emerging as the most reliable in all tests in this study. The model is constructed based on the product of the normalized model of the combined smooth seismicity model of a relatively small to moderate complete earthquake catalog data with a relatively uniform background model and weighted by the normalized seismic moment rate derived from the surface strain rate. It is suggested that a more extended observation period and using a complete, albeit relatively small-to-moderate, earthquake catalog leads to a more reliable and accurate model. Implementation of the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Function (PSHF) window using the b-value of a 5-year window length with a 1-year sliding window before a significant seismic event proved successful, and the methodology demonstrates the importance of the temporal "b-value" in conjunction with the reliable seismicity rate and spatial probabilistic earthquake forecasting models in earthquake forecasting. The results showed significant changes in the PSHF before giant and large earthquakes and the finding of a correlation between decreased b-value time window length and earthquake magnitude. The results have implications for the implementation of seismic mitigation measures.


Penelitian yang diajukan pada proposal ini bertujuan untuk: Melakukan pengembangan model gabungan berdasarkan gempa-gempa yang relatif kecil hingga sedang dari data katalog gempa lengkap dan model berbasis laju regangan untuk meningkatkan prakiraan spasial gempa di masa depan dengan mengevaluasi model spatio-temporal kurva bahaya seismik dari sudut pandang probabilistik atau probabilistic seismic hazard function (PSHF). Meng-evaluasi realibilitas model dalam mengkarakterisasi potensi daerah rawan gempa di sepanjang zona subduksi Sumatra dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Algoritma yang dikembangkan oleh Triyoso dan Shimazaki (2012) dan Triyoso (2023) digunakan untuk menilai realibilitas yang didasarkan pada Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan model potensi gempa masa depan yang sangat berguna untuk studi PSHA dan pemutakhiran mitigasi seismik. Membangun algoritma umum (general algorithm) berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian untuk bisa diterapkan di zona seismotektonik aktif yang lain di seluruh Indonesia

Testimoni Masyarakat

Penelitian yang diajukan dalam proposal ini mengacu dan mendukung peta jalan dari KK Geofisika Global, FTTM-ITB mengenai mitigasi bencana gempa, tsunami, dan letusan gunung api