Studi Perilaku Tanah Pada Metode Perbaikan Tanah Vacuum Dan Timbunan Prabeban: Hasil Field Test Dan Analisa Dgn Metoda Elemen Hingga.
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Endra Susila

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Vacuum preloading method was utilized to improve soft soil Trans Sumatera Toll Road Project.This paper presents a study result of a numerical modelling of the behaviors of vacuum preloading which wasverified by a field monitoring result. Numerical modelling of vacuum preloading was performed by three stepsbased on permeability conversion. PVD’s model was carried out by considering smear zone and dischargecapacity. Vacuum suction was modelled as a negative pressure along the PVD. The Modified Cam – Claymodel was selected to simulate soft clay soils. Effects of vacuum distribution (constant and linearly decreased)along the PVD were investigated. Prediction from this model such as settlement, pore water pressure, andlateral displacement was compared to actual field data. Degree of consolidation was estimated by usingempirical calculation based on pore water pressure in the field. This paper shows that the results of thenumerical modeling were comparable to the actual field data. This study found that modeling vacuum with alinearly decreased pressure along the PVD resulted the closest to field data. This study also found that avacuum pressure with a constant along the PVD still resulted in reasonable prediction.



Testimoni Masyarakat

.- menemukan model vacuum yang tepat untuk pemodelan - menentukan model distribusi vacuum yang dapat digunakan dalam perencanaan